In Colorado, we are always proud to be the fastest growing state for Black Immigrants, but especially during Black Business Month.
Colorado has a long, rich history of Black-owned businesses. This history is best exhibited by Denver’s Five Points community. Five Points became a central point for Black Americans moving to Denver in the 1920s. Black doctors, lawyers, dentists and entrepreneurs established businesses in the community, and Five Points became one of the first support networks for Black business owners.
Each August, the African Leadership Group hosts an annual Afrik Impact Summit and Gala to celebrate and advocate for the entire African immigrant community in Colorado. The series of events includes a free cultural concert, Education Summit, Business Summit, and Business Pitch Competition.
ALG has committed to providing thousands of dollars to the best business ideas presented last week during their business pitch night. Gap Fund Director Ryan Cobbins and Energize Colorado volunteer LaSheita Sayer served as judges during the Business Pitch Competition. Energize Colorado also supported the third prize for the competition. Congratulations to Efetobore Isiku, Owner of Gifted Hand LLC, and all the entrepreneurs who pitched.
The community members pitching ideas participated in a six-week course focused on entrepreneurship led by Dr. Jamal Bowen of Empowering Community Entrepreneurs. Participants learned how to start a business, get a tax ID number and forecast cash flow.
“It was great to hear and witness the entrepreneurial spirit throughout the ALG Business Pitch event. It was exciting for me to be a part of the journey of many entrepreneurs. A huge shout-out to Papa Dia, the ALG, and the entrepreneurs.”
Ryan Cobbins, Gap Fund Program Director
Energize Colorado is proud to partner with ALG to bring funding and resources to the African immigrants and Black business owners in Colorado. Together, our organizations work to create opportunities for the Black business community while continuously refocusing our partnership and efforts to meet the ever changing needs of business owners.
At the events, we also connected with Dr. H. Malcolm Newton, founder of the Urban Land Institute and co-founder of the African Chamber of Commerce. As a previous recipient of the Energize Colorado Gap Fund, Dr. Malcolm applied the funds to provide scholarships for students.